Tuesday 24 December 2013

British Billionaire Richard Branson urges Uganda boycott for anti-gay bill

The British tycoon Sir Richard Branson has urged companies to boycott Uganda over a draconian anti-homosexuality bill passed its parliament last week.
The Billionaire condemn Uganda's parliament for passing a bill see homosexuality punished for life imporisonment in his blog page.
"I have been courted by various people and governmentofficials to do business in Uganda.Iwas seriously considering it.However,the dreadful witch hunt against the gay community and lifetime sentences means it would be against this country.
I would urge others companies worldwide to follwo suit.Uganda must reconsider or find it being ostracised by companies and tourists worldwide.
The Economist published agraphic showing where homosexuality is illegal in 2013,which makes for distressing viewing.More than 80 contries wordwide criminalise homosexuality,with the death penalty in place in five countries and areas of Nigeria and Somalia.
Governments must realise that people should be able to love whoever they want.It is not for any governement(or anyone else) to ever make judgements on people's sexuality.They should instead celebrate when people build loving relationships that strenghten society,no matter who they are."
Supporters of the bill say that it seeks to protect family values that are being threatened by West-based agy rights groups.other world leaders that condemned on the same bill US President Barack Obama and Archibishop Desmond Tutu.

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